Group visits
What we offer groups
We offer the following for organised groups of 10+ people, if a booking is made in advance of your visit:
- Standard Groups admission charge: Adults £4.90 per person, Concessions £3 per person
- Group admission including pre-booked tour: Adults: £8.20 per person, Concessions: £6.10 per person. (Please book at least three weeks prior to your visit).
- Free coach parking on hardstand - there is a car park with coach bays.
- Free introduction
- Free familiarisation visit for Group Travel Organiser (+1)
Payment and cancellation
Payment should be made at the Museum on the day of the visit or invoicing can be arranged. There is a cancellation fee of 50% of the cost of the guided tours if a cancellation is made within one week of the visit.
Make a booking
To discuss your booking, please telephone (0191) 278 4217 or email