Where did the soldiers living along Hadrian’s Wall come from?
These teacher notes provide information on where the soldiers living along Hadrian’s Wall came from. You can download a copy of these teacher notes below.
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Roman auxiliary soldiers living along Hadrian’s Wall came from different countries within the Roman Empire.
Segedunum Fort was occupied by auxiliary soldiers of the Roman army. They occupied the fort for approximately 290 years. When the fort was first built it is possible that the unit that lived there was the Second Cohort of Nervians from Gallia Belgicia (Belgium). However, the unit who was based in the fort for the longest period of time were from the Fourth Cohort of Lingonians from Germania Superior (Eastern France).
On this map below the provinces which provided troops on Hadrian’s Wall are high-lighted in red. Units raised in Britain were sent to serve in other provinces in the Empire.
The forts along Hadrian’s Wall were garrisoned by auxiliary soldiers from different provinces across the Empire. The table below shows the countries where the units based at each fort were raised.
South Shields | France, Iraq |
Wallsend | France, Belgium |
Newcastle | Germany, Britain |
Benwell | Spain,Germany |
Rudchester | Germany |
Halton Chester | Hungary |
Corbridge | Spain |
Risingham | France, Germany, Switzerland |
High Rochester | France, Spain |
Chesters | Spain |
Carrawburgh | Netherlands |
Housesteads | Germany, Belgium |
Chesterholm | Belgium, France |
Great Chesters | Belgium, Spain, Switzerland |
Carvoran | Syria, Croatia |
Birdoswald | Romania |
Bewcastle | Romania |
Castlesteads | France, Belgium |
Netherby | Spain |
Stanwix | France |
Burgh by Sands | Germany, Algeria/Morocco, Netherlands |
Drumburgh | unknown |
Bowness | unknown |
Birrens | Belgium |
Beckfoot | Hungary |
Maryport | Spain, Croatia, Netherlands |
The Units Along Hadrian’s Wall
This table shows the names of some of the army units based along Hadrian’s Wall and the countries where the units were first raised.
Br | Britain (Britannia) 1st cohort of Cornovians | C | Coastal Croatia (Dalmatia) 1st cohort of Dalmatians 2nd cohort of Dalmatians |
SP | Spain (Hispania) 1st cohort of Spaniards 1st ala of Asturians 2nd ala of Asturians 2nd cohort of Asturians 1st cohort of Vardullians | H | Hungary (Pannonia) 2nd cohort of Pannonians 1st ala of Pannonians of Sabinus |
F | France (Gallia, Germania Superior) 3rd cohort of Gauls 4th cohort of Gauls 5th cohort of Gauls Petrian ala 1st cohort of Lingones 2nd cohort of Lingones | R | Romania (Dacia) 1st cohort of Dacians |
Be | Belgium (Gallia Belgica) 1st cohort of Tungrians 2nd cohort of Tungrians 2nd cohort of Nervians 6th cohort of Nervians | Bu | Bulgaria (Thracia) 2nd cohort of Thracians |
N | The Netherlands (Germania Inferior, Gallia Belgica) 1st cohort of Batavians 1st cohort of Baetasians Formation of Frisians | Sy | Syria (Syria) 1st cohort of Hamian archers |
G | Germany (Germania Superior,Germania inferior) 1st cohort of Cugernians 1st cohort of Frisiavones 1st cohort of Nervian Germans 1st cohort of Vangiones Formation of Frisians Hnaudifridius’ unit | A | North Africa (Algeria/Morocco) (Mauretania) Unit of Moors |
Sz | Switzerland (Raetia) Cohort of Raetians Vexillation of Raetians | I | Iraq (Mesopotamia) Unit of Tigris Boatmen |