Make a Roman standard
Can you make a Vexillum, Signum or Draco standard?

Can you make a Vexillum, Signum or Draco standard?
Soldiers could hold different roles within the Roman Army. One role a soldier could have was to be a standard bearer.
Standard bearers had the important role of carrying standards (spears with various symbols on them).
An auxiliary unit such as that based at Segedunum would probably have had 12 standards.
You can find more information about these different standards in our standard bearers’ teacher notes.
Below you can download instructions on how to make the different standards (banners) of the Auxiliary unit based at Segedunum Roman Fort.
Download: Make a Roman standard PDF resource (3 MB)
Templates are provided:
Vexillum Template, Signum Template, Draco Template
Challenge 1 - Make a Vexillum standard for the Fourth Cohort of Lingones (who were based at Segedunum)
Challenge 1
Make a Vexillum standard for the Fourth Cohort of Lingones (who were based at Segedunum)
You could use: Vexillum template (or copy the shape onto some card) Red Card or felt A stick or ruler Coloured pens, pencils, paint Scissors, Tape
Step 1
Print out the template or copy the shape onto card. Get creative! Colour and decorate your lion in any style you like.
Step 2
A Vexillum is usually coloured red. Cut out your lion design and stick it with some glue to some red card or felt which will also help to strengthen your vexillum (or alternatively colour in the background of your design).
Step 3
Tape a stick or ruler to the back of your Vexillum.
Step 4
Your Vexillum is completed.
Why not challenge yourself further by designing and creating your own Vexillum for your own cohort of Roman Soldiers.
Challenge 2 - Make a Signum standard
Challenge 2
Make a Signum standard
You could use: Signum template (or copy the shape onto some card) A stick or ruler Coloured pens, pencils, paint Scissors, Tape
Step 1
Print out the template or copy the shape onto card. Get creative! Colour and decorate your signum in any style you like.
Step 2
Tape a stick or ruler to the back of your signum.
Step 3
Your Signum is completed.
Why not challenge yourself further and make a 3D Signum standard.
You could use:
- Paper plates or card
- Tin foil to cover paper plate or card
- A stick or ruler
- Card, tissue paper or cut up magazines to decorate
- Coloured pens, pencils, paint
- Scissors, tape
Challenge 3 - Make a Draco standard
Challenge 3
Make a Draco standard
You could use: Draco template (or copy the shape onto some card) Card A stick or ruler Coloured tissue paper, ribbons, wool, cut up magazines Coloured pens, pencils, paint Scissors, tape
Step 1
Print out the template or copy the shape onto card. You can stick the template to some card to make it stronger. Get creative! Colour and decorate your Draco in any style you like.
Step 2
Tape a stick or ruler to the back of your Draco.
Step 3
Tape coloured streamers to the back of your Draco. You could use coloured paper, wool, cut up comics or magazines.