Jobs within the auxiliary unit
These teacher notes provide information on the different jobs which existed within the auxiliary unit. You can download a copy of these teacher notes below.
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What jobs could soldiers do within the Auxiliary Unit?
These jobs are known to have existed in auxiliary units as they are recorded in inscriptions or in surviving documents. Exactly what each job entailed is not always clear.
Tiro = new recruit
Miles = rank and file soldier
Immunis = a rank and file soldier excused fatigues because of special duties
Principalis = category of those officers below the rank of centurion or decurion, who were paid either one and a half or two times the rate of a rank and file soldier
Staff in the office of the commanding officer
Latin title | Job | Comments |
Cornicularius | Chief clerk of unit | Double pay |
Actarius | Clerk | Below the cornicularius in rank |
Librarius | Clerk/copyist | |
Beneficiarius | Officer seconded by a superior officer for special duties | Often lives outside the fort |
Unit standard bearers
Decurio | Decurion, in charge of cavalry turma | Paid at least five times as much as a rank and file soldier; paid more than an infantry centurion |
Centurio | Centurion, in charge of infantry century | Paid at least five times as much as a rank and file soldier |
Signifer | Standard bearer and book-keeper | Double pay; one for each century and turma; usually had at least 15 years’ service |
Optio | Second-in-command to centurion | Double pay; sometimes called ‘duplicarius’ [= double] |
Duplicarius | Second-in-command to decurion | The term is also used generally of any soldier paid twice the normal rate |
Tesserarius | Officer officer below the rank of signifier and optio | Pay and a half; only in infantry. In charge of the daily password |
Curator | Soldier responsible for provision- ing (food and drink, fodder etc) | Pay and a half; only in turma (and possibly only in alae); perhaps same as a tesserarius |
Armorum custos | Soldier in charge of arms and armour | One in each century and turma |
Sesquiplicarius | Third-in-command in a turma | The term is also used generally of any soldier paid one and half normal rate |
Religious staff
Aedituus or sacerdos | Priest or keeper of shrine |
Hospital and medical staff
Medicus | Doctor, medical officer | A medicus ordinarius was probably the same rank as a centurion; may have been appointed from outside the army |
Capsarius | Medic | |
Veterinarius | Vet | For cavalry horses |
Musical staff
Bucinator | Plays curved trumpet | One or two in a unit |
Tubicen | Plays straight trumpet |
Mensor | Surveyor |